Monday 29 September 2014

Max Effort Upper Body

Flat Bench - comp grip
bar x a bunch
135 x 15
185 x 8
225 x 3
255 x 1
275 x 1
add very loose slingshot
305 x 1
315 x 1
add rage x shirt
345 x 1 2 board
355 x 1 x 2 sets - 1 board

-was just getting used to the feel in a bench shirt since my shoulder injury. i have about 90% of my strength back before i got hurt. overall, it was good, minus some pain at the top end of the heavy benches but im sensing that will be gone within a month (hopefully).

close grip bench
205x8 x 4 sets

-this exercise fried my triceps, i will be doing more of these in the future. but was experiencing lots of pain in my shoulder....weird.

Tricep extentions
100 reps

-i think i did another exercise...maybe some abs or rear delts i cant really remember sorry! great lift session, im sensing a PR in the near future, hoping to get mid 400s come nationals. however, my bench technique is pretty poor, need to fix my lower back and ankle injury to fix this.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Speed Bench - Much Needed Update

CAT Presses
warmed up
225x3x7 sets

Dead Pin Presses
worked up to...
225x5x3 sets

Pullup Pyramid
31 reps

Face pulls w/ light band
20x3 sets