Wednesday 22 October 2014

Speed Skwats!!

Squats to low box
bar x ??
135 x 10
add 80(ish)lbs of hanging chain
135 x 3
155 x 2 x 10 sets
-felt great, really light and moved fast. no back porblems

Speed Deathlifts - sumo style
225 x 5
add quad'd up light bands (roughly adds 200lbs at the top)
225 x 2 x 6 sets

Bent Over Rows
135 x10
185 x 10 x 3 sets

Side Bends w/ 45 plate
60 reps each side

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Speed Bench

Flat Speed Bench
bar x ??
add 70lbs of chain
bar x 20
95 x 3 x 9 sets, using 3 different grips
-went really fast, super easy. just wanted to give my shoulder a break and focus on my speed work.

Dead Pins
worked up to a 5RM...or so i thought. was only able to get 4 with 255, close on the last one, oh well.

-couldnt do pullups cause of my shoulder, its really annoying, decided to do banded work instead.

Face pulls w/ monster mini
20 x 4 sets

Tricep Pushdowns w/ green band
20 x 3 sets 

ME Lower Body - new tactics

Warm up
banded Gms
stretching/mobility work
10m squat test - improving to 3m! thats how bad i am

Free skwats!
bar x ??
135 x 10
add 100lbs of hanging chain
225 x 5
275 x 3
295 x 3
315 x 3, called it here since my back started to flare up. it doesnt feel heavy but if i start pushing it i will be paying for it next week
225 x 12
- finished with a rep out set, had one or two more reps in the tank. gonna start doing lots of these for the volume and hopefully help recovery from my back injury.

Straight Leg Deads
225 x 20 x 3 sets

Ab work
-cant remember what i did, but whatever it was it was pretty good...

overall was a great training session. really hoping to get my back healthy so i can start hitting some new prs in the squat and deadlift. heres a pic of some of the crew that came out for saturday squats!

Max Effort Upper Body

Flat Bench 
bar x50
135 x 15
185 x 10
225 x 5
255 x 5 x 5 sets

-decided to go light, was feeling fairly beat up from speed bench. this may be a 5x5 PR or close to.

Here is a picture of James reppin out some big weights!

The rest of the session was dedicated to bodyweight or banded work to help with some recovery.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Speed skwats!!

mobility work (baby makers, low back smash/floss, pelvis reset, glute floss, hip capsule stretch)
free squats with bar, slow and controled
side bends

speed skwats!
135 x 5
225 x 5
add heavy bands
225 x 2
255 x 2 x 7 sets

-lots of improvement to my back pain, i would like to thank Kstar and his book "becoming a supple leopard" for helping me out. by the end i could feel some slight tweaking but nothing i couldnt handle. i really have to go slow and very controled on my squats. just happy that the pain is decreasing and the weight is moving up. take the victories whenever they come!
135 x ?
225 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 2
415 x 5 x 3 sets

- felt like doing some reps, was getting kind of sick of speed work for deadlifts. i think every now and then i will just rotate some rep work instead of speed. hoping this will improve overall strength.

-heres a pic of one of my training partners, J, crankin out 465 on the rep work for deadlifts. hes one strong dude, lucky to have him around.

pull throughs w/ heavy band
50 reps

ab wheel
3 sets

Inspirational Video

When life starts piling up i like to draw motivation and inspiration from anywhere. heres a totally ploox'n clip!

Speed Bench

Warm up
mini band pull aparts
db flys
mini band overhead swings

Flat bench (speed work)
bar x ????
add doubled up light bands
bar x 15
135 x 5
165 x 3 x 9 sets (3 different grips)

- this was hard....and slow. i clearly havent recovered from last friday's session. i plan on backing off on next max effort upper body day

Dead stops off pins
235 x 5 x 3 sets , was planning to go 245 but i figured i was too burnt out to do that. next week i will go 255 to finish off the dead stop cycle

Pull-up fun w/ 10lb chain hanging from neck
25 reps
- these sucked! even that small amount of weight made the difference.

-had to call it here. busy with lots of school. i will be teaching in a month in an elementary school....hope i can balance training and the workload.

Monday 6 October 2014

Upper body fluff and buff

just decided to do a recover day, nothing special

DB incline press
35 x 20
60 x 20 x 2 sets

Banded T-bar rows w/ light band
135 x 10 x 3 sets

Tricep ext
40 x 15 x 3 sets

Seated rows w/ narrow grip
some weight x 20 x 4 sets

-took about 30mins to do. got in, got out.

Max Effort Deathlifts :)

225 x 5
add dead suit
315 x 2
405 x 2
added rev heavy bands
455 x 2
495 x 2
545 x 2
585 x 2
605 x 2
655 x 2
675 x 2, grinded a good last rep. I hope to hit this weight off the floor some day, pull something close to this come nationals. i would be happy with mid 600 pull thats for sure!

Free Squats
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 5

-my back flared up hard. getting very frustrated with this lingering back issue. im really running out of options i feel like to get back on to the platform

Banded Pull throughs
50 x 2 sets

Max Effort Upper Body/Grinder day

Db pec flys x 20
Mini Band Pull Aparts x 50
Mini Band Overhead Circles x 20

Floor Press
bar  x a bunch
135 x 15
185 x 8
225 x5
255 x 2
275 x 2, this was a grinder...but also a PR i think, I really do suck at these
added rev heavy bands
315 x 2 x 2 sets, first set was a grinder, i hadnt recovered just yet
325 x 2, another grinder lol

Pin Press
275 x 5 x 2 sets
285 x 5, was having lots of shoulder pain called it there :(((((

Banded triceps

DB Curls
x a bunch of reps

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Speedy Skwats!

Box Squats w/ 14in box
bar x a bunch?
135 x 10
225 x 5
add briefs
add heavy bands
225 x 2 x 8 sets

-meh felt okay on the last 2 sets, still feeling back pain. i really need to take a step back from squats and work back some strength in my lower back before i go and break it again.

Speed deads
225 x 3
add quad'd up mini bands
225 x1
245 x 1 x 10 sets, 30s rest

-these sucked...i was gassed by the end of this. wheres my work capacity!?

Ab wheel
15 x 3 sets

Free squats
225 x 8 x 3 sets

- added in free squats at the end of training. i hope this helps maintain mobility, and decrease back pain. they were pretty painful so im not sure on my thought process here. my goal is to build up to easy sets of 315, slow and controled, really just focusing on staying tight and keeps muscle tension.

Speed Bench

Flat Bench
bar x a bunch
add doubled up light bands
bar x a lot
95 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3 x 9 sets (varying 3 different grips)

Dead stop pin press
185 x 5
225 x 5 x 3 sets

Pullup Pyriamid
35 total reps

Klokov Presses
bar x 15 x 3 sets

Standing Ab Crunches w/ green band
100 reps