Tuesday 9 July 2013

Max Effort Upper Body

Overhead press
60x10x3 sets

Bench - Comp Grip
add loose Rage-X

4 board - Pinkys on rings
275x6x3 sets

Pin Press - Close Grip
275x3x3 sets

BB one arm rows
45x10x3 sets

-called it here, went finishing with some friends.

A Prolonged Update

I haven't posted in quite some time. Many training days have come and gone, some good and some bad. Nationals in May did not go as plan, in fact, went very poor. The outcome was one of disappoint and frustration. The weeks leading into the meet were great. Hit some huge squat numbers and was anticipating a big PR. But, a week prior to the competition, I was hospitalized for a day. My testicles had swollen up to unfavourable proportions. After an ultrasound, the doctor could not figure out why this had happened, and assumed that it was an infection or virus of some type. Either way terrible timing. By the time the meet approached, they had returned to normal size, but my body weight was down about 10 pounds. I decided to go through the meet and not alter any of my planned attempts. I smoked 660. Went to 720 for a 5lb PR, and fell backwards. Attempted again on the third and folded like a sandwich. I felt defeated. All the hours I spent at the gym, staying in on Friday nights to train, wasted. I managed to scrapped by with a 30lb bench PR and win my class. James hit the biggest total, Scott got best overall raw lifter, and our 2 newbies all hit all their 3rd attempts and PR'd. The team did great. I am glad that I was there to handle them and help contribute. Although, this meet was a shortcoming for myself, I felt a great sense of accomplishment cause the team did awesome.

Presently, my back hasn't recovered, far from it. In fact it has worsened to an extent I did not see coming. Every morning I wake up and I feel stiff has a 2x4. I have eliminated deadlifting and all fundamental back exercises from training as these exercises give me direct pain in my lower back. I can no longer bend over to pick up a pencil without supporting my body with a hand on my knee. Nevertheless, I am continuing bench and squat training as these movements are pain-free. I have gone to see a chiro and physio help, and both say the same thing. My body was wasn't built to support the stress I place on it. When I was 4 doctors wanted to put rods in my back because it wasnt developing properly. Obviously, that extreme route was avoided, and now Im stuck with the effects of a crummy spine and hips.

This is the point where most strength athletes pack it in, and call it quits. It may take awhile to comeback. In sports, I was never the best or top player. Ive been cut from many football teams but that didnt stop me from playing junior out in BC and making 1st string...and this back injury isnt going to stop me from getting my pro total. I just bought the gym in full and I hope in the future it can expand to something greater than a single car garage gym. This is my passion, I am going to continue following it, and overcome what life throws my way.